AESC offers an innovative and unique approach to teach Mathematics, providing superb opportunities for students with special needs to learn the basic Maths skills in a least stressful, but challenging and creative environment. The tasks are scaffolded to meet the …
Armadale Education Support Centre offers our students a diverse variety of discrete options within the main school. Discrete options are classes made up only of our Education Support students and Armadale SHS teachers. Armadale SHS teachers take the years 7, …
Our program provides training in life skills necessary for students to become independent and confident in the wider community. Safety in the community Travel/transport skills Keys For Life Program Functional literacy Care for living things Budgeting/shopping Emotional wellbeing Personal grooming/hygiene
The Aussie Optimism Program is implemented within the context of the School Health Curriculum. The program has three components: Positive Thinking Skills, Social Life Skills and Optimistic Thinking Skills. Aussie Optimism is a program appropriate for all students. It is …
The support service is facilitated by Parkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc) school based support services. It is aimed to support the rights of people to have an independent body to listen to their story and understand their needs. Individual …
Bush Rangers WA is a youth-based conservation and community development program. It supports young Western Australians to take an active role in the conservation of the natural environment and better understand the mechanisms for its management. It offers young people …
At AESC we are committed to providing a relevant, dynamic and coherent curriculum. All our specialist programs are individualised according to student need and abilities to ensure students are well equipped with the skills they require for life beyond school.