Our students experience Health in all levels of the high school life. We run discrete classes that focuses on health concepts that are directed at the point of need. The Health curriculum that we offer is relevant and engaging for …
Preliminary Courses are done across Senior School in Armadale ESC. Through these courses students are able to recognise and use a diverse range of approaches to meet the growing array of literacy and numeracy needs. These courses are designed to …
All our students are involved Physical Education across all year groups. It is important for our students to acquire the knowledge about how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle that incorporates being physical and active. We cover everything …
Music Rocks is a major music program both in Middle and Senior school in Armadale ESC. It’s a performance-based music education with a unique curriculum designed for kids with no previous musical experience. Students have one weekly group rehearsal where …
An endorsed program is a significant learning program that has been developed by a school, and endorsed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) for students in Years 10, 11 and 12. These programs offer a range of activities …
At Armadale ESC we follow a formal process to encourage independent travelling for our students. The process includes an assessment after training with our Social Trainer and staff. For Senior School students this process is carried out individually either from …
Cooking and Meal Preparation lessons are carried out in both middle and senior school. We believe teaching students cooking in school promotes lifetime skills of healthy cooking and eating. While students engage in hands on activities associated with food preparation …
ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network) is a student focused program which promotes personal and social development. ASDAN originated in the United Kingdom and aims to prepare students for life after school by developing independent living and communication skills …
In order to facilitate their transition to work we work with the students to identify potential post-school job roles based on their interests, skills, knowledge and experience. We also help them identify the requirements to be employed in these job …
At AESC English Stage 1 is designed specifically to meet the unique educational needs of students in an environment that is supportive and nurturing. Working in small groups allows the teacher to work intensively on explicit teaching of aspects of …