Regular school attendance is a priority at Armadale ESC. Students who attend school have the opportunity to fully engage with the curriculum and build a solid foundation for their future. Through regular attendance students learn good habits that assist them in their transition from school to the workplace.
The school works collaboratively in partnership with families to promote consistent attendance. We have an onsite Family Liaison Officer, AIEO and Attendance Officer who can work with families and provide a link between home, school and the wider community.
Absences from school for a half day or more should be notified by 10am via our SMS Hotline.
All absentee communication to the school should contain the following information:
Student name/ Year group/ Date of absence/ Brief reason for absence.
Example for SMS: John Smith/ Yr 8/ 20/03/2020/ Unwell
Notes should be handed to the front office when a student returns to school after an absence. You only need to communicate your child/children’s absence once. However, a medical certificate is required to explain prolonged absences of more than three consecutive days. Students who need to attend appointments, or who will be absent during class times should notify the classroom teacher.
0437 885 896